If you are having an issue with snow mold, please contact us to help you make the right choice for your property.

Lawn Problems

Snow Mold

After winter and lots of snow fall, one thing we can expect to see a lot of is snow mold. The two most common are gray snow mold and pink snow mold.

Gray Snow Mold

  • As the snow melts you may start to see patches and in some severe cases patches can be several feet across.
  • These patches will be bleached out, matted down turf. Now if this is what you see you may be in a little better shape than you first believed.
  • You see the blades to the grass are dead, but in most cases the fungus rarely kills the crown or the roots of the grass plant.
  • This means that if you rake up that area and apply proper fertilization, new growth will be encouraged.
  • Now am I saying that if you do this your lawn will be 100% again... no I am not.
  • You had a fungus and it will take some time to fully recover. What I am saying is, first impressions may not be as bad as it appears.
  • Gray snow mold can be raked out and our service would apply the proper fertilizer.

Pink Snow Mold

  • Pink snow mold gets its name from the pink fungal spores that gather on the leaves of the infected grass plant.
  • Circular patches of matted down grass with pink fungal spores.
  • This is the more severe, but less common of the snow molds and has been known to not only attack the grass blade but the crowns and roots as well.
  • If you think you have pink snow mold, this may be something you'd want to give us a call about.
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